With a home affectionately referred to as Pee Wee’s Playhouse, Luci has always collected and been curiously attracted to the beauty and intrigue of misfits. Given the challenge of opposing design elements, she will find common ground, order and balance to quickly match the unmatchable into a powerful, thoughtfully developed design. Some of Luci’s best moments live on in the toy and game industry, where she continues to exercise her almost-trademarked Quirky Unconventional Eye (QUE) with big success. Just ask Oprah!

Torn between creative writing and conceptual design, Theresa gets to nurture both passions at Zoltun. And for her, mentoring young creative talent is the cherry on top. Theresa loves climbing inside a client’s head to figure out what they’re trying to convey, and discerning how best to make that happen… both verbally and visually.

“Michalski,” as we endearingly refer to John, can morph from icon creator extraordinaire to technical template ace without batting an eye. And if you’re having a computer issue of any nature, he’s not content until he figures it out and gets you back up and running lickety-split. Michalski is the perfect blend of creative whiz and computer nerd.

The second you meet Mark, you know this guy has earned his stripes. He is a seasoned art director and designer with passion, self-motivation, and time-tested leadership skills. His hard work and dedication to his craft continuously result in successful integrated marketing and branding campaigns for national and local organizations.

Usually “speed” and “precision” are not used in conjunction when describing a person’s skill set, but that’s exactly what you get with Debbie. Her attention to detail is unmatched, and her background in typesetting and global translation is a real asset when projects cross our threshold that need to be updated and translated into one or multiple dialects.

Tayler is a valuable and versatile member of the Zoltun team. She is a graduate of Robert Morris University with a bachelor’s degree in Media Arts. Tayler always brings a fresh, contemporary design perspective to projects, with a specialized concentration in graphic design for print, web, and social media.

A graduate of La Roche University, Molly brings a skilled technical perspective to each project she tackles. Combining her knowledge of graphic design with an instinct for creative marketing, she is a valued member of the team whose contributions add value to our clients’ work. Molly’s interests in technical drawing, color theory, and product design keep her exploring the trends that keep our clients at the top of their game.

Judy knows her way around the design world. No matter your industry or line of business, she is a great listener and interpreter of our clients’ needs and expectations… and she delivers! Poised and professional, personable and passionate, Judy is attentive to the smallest of details and committed to maintaining fluid lines of communication.

When you meet Angel, you’re drawn in—you feel like you’ve known her your entire life. Her warm personality and willingness to go above and beyond to get the job done makes her an invaluable addition to the account management team at Zoltun. With Angel, it’s all about relationships, and her clients are her number one priority… aside from her kids, of course.

Julia’s top priority in every project she is a part of is prioritizing relationships and efficient communication. Her background in marketing management, communications, strategic planning, and graphic design contributes a well-rounded marketing perspective to her daily tasks at Zoltun. She enjoys the creativity behind challenges to find solutions.

Tommy retired from Broudy Printing after
a successful 37 year career working as a
liaison between designers and printers.
This experience taught him what it takes
to earn trust and create seamless
collaborations. Today he has teamed
with Zoltun Design to guide non-profits
through their marketing process at whatever
capacity they feel comfortable.

Whether she’s crafting compelling text, restructuring a sentence, or removing that unnecessary punctuation, Casey is quite the skilled wordsmith. It’s not unusual to see Casey hiding behind a tall stack of technical documents, plowing through them with a fine-toothed comb and her internal encyclopedia of trademarks, corporate guidelines, and technical industry standards.

Content Specialist and Copywriter
Adept at designing effective communication, Adele can mold a client’s vision into a marketing strategy with impact. She knows the importance of unearthing a client’s primary goals and infusing the right combination of products, platforms, and content solutions to deliver optimal results. Adele thrives on helping them carve a new path — one paved with the refined messaging, crucial connections, and profitable engagement they seek.

Angelo’s approach to each project is to apply the creativity and skills needed to exceed a client’s vision of their final product. With a background in creative writing, as well as ESL teaching experience and a knack for visual arts like photography, he brings an eclectic blend of sophistication to the writing and editing he does at Zoltun. Angelo sharpens the details of the content, while guarding organizational standards, to deliver a clean result that is ready-made for print, digital, and other client-requested formats.

Jane provides great encouragement and verve to the team. Equipped with a background in psychology and accounting, she guides the business toward growth and success while also managing human resources. Her honesty, communications, intuition, and positive attitude are the backbone of Zoltun, providing the entire staff with inspirational leadership.

Working in many capacities and positions over the years, from production artist to sales, Rick has settled in as our financial leader and all-around business troubleshooter. His engineering degree from Penn State University may be gathering dust but his analytical skills, integrity, and genuine care for our employees and clients shine bright.

Sometimes the business of marketing communications and design needs the highly analytical mind of an attorney, and this is where Christy really shines. With a background in business, real estate, banking, and contract law, Christy is always ready and able to take on Zoltun’s legal needs. Christy is a valuable and trusted member of the Zoltun family.

Jake is our in-house data expert and programmer. His main focus is on process improvement, introducing new technology, and IT… but he can also lend a hand with graphic and web design. Jake attended Rochester Institute of Technology in New York where he studied computer science, web design, and game development.