In a Snap, we’re back at it!

After coming out of our tryptophan and mashed potato comas, we’re back at our spicy infatuation. With the holidays upon us, we decided to heat things up with an old favorite… the Gingersnap.

Six taste testers doused the Snaps in Frank’s Red Hot. Should we devour it in one big bite? Should we savor the taste with two? Decisions, decisions…

Past pairings of sweet-and-spicy have not fended very well in our Drop It experiments. But this time… thumbs up across the board! It was unanimous. The spiced up Gingersnaps were enjoyed by all. 

In fact, one Zoltunite even suggested experimenting with hot sauce-based frosting for cookies.

What combination would you love to see us try before Christmas? Let us know! You just might see your suggestion become our next challenge.

By Theresa Poprocky and Nicholas Poprocky